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Find the correct symbols of the holidays. Christmas

Find the correct symbols of the holidays.

41. Christmas
  1. Heart
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Mistletoe
  4. Pancakes
42. Easter
  1. Egg
  2. Bonfire
  3. Mistletoe
  4. Carnations
43. Fathers's Day
  1. Heart
  2. A card
  3. Turkey
  4. Pancakes
44. Guy Fawkes Night
  1. Heart
  2. Turkey
  3. Bonfire
  4. Shamrock
45. St Patrick's Day
  1. Bonfire
  2. Mistletoe
  3. Shamrock
  4. Jack-o'-lantern
46. Halloween
  1. Egg
  2. Heart
  3. Liberty Bell
  4. Jack-o'-lantern
47. Mother's Day
  1. Turkey
  2. Carnations
  3. Pancakes
  4. Mistletoe
48. Thanksgiving
  1. Bonfire
  2. Turkey
  3. Pancakes
  4. Jack-o'-lantern
49. Pancake Day
  1. Turkey
  2. Carnations
  3. Pancakes
  4. Jack-o'-lantern
50. St Valentine's Day
  1. Heart
  2. Shamrock
  3. Mistletoe
  4. Liberty Bell

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